一般来讲,考CFA最基本的或者说必读的教材有CFA 协会官方教材(CFA Curriculum)、Schweser Study Notes、CFA 协会道德手册(Standards of Practice Handbook)。


1.CFA Level I 教材名称:

Volume 1: Ethical and professional Standards, Quantitative Methods

Volume 2: Economics

Volume 3: Financial Statement

Volume 4: Corporate Finance and Portfolio Management

Volume 5: Equity and Fixed Income

Volume 6: Derivatives and Alternative Investment

2.CFA Level II 教材名称:

Volume 1: Ethical and professional Standards, Quantitative Methods, and Economics

Volume 2: Financial Statement Analysis

Volume 3: Corporate Finance

Volume 4: Asset Valuation and Equity

Volume 5: Fixed lncome

Volume 6: Derivatives and portfolio Management

3.CFA Level III 教材名称:

Volume 1: Ethical and professional Standards

Volume 2: Behavioral Finance, individual investors, and institutional investors

Volume 3: Capital Market expectations, market valuation, and asset allocation

Volume 4: Fixed income and equity portfolio management

Volume 5: Alternative investments, risk management, and the application of derivatives

Volume 6: Portfolio: Execution, evaluation and attribultion, and global investment performance standards

大多数考生一般先看Schweser Study Notes,将每一个Session 都学习之后,如果有不理解的知识点,可以通过Curriculum 对相应的内容进行查看。对于一级考生,重点学习Level 1 的Schweser Study Notes 辅助CFA协会官方教材的章节习题及道德手册就可以了。
