1.Which of the following would NOT terminate an offer?
B.A counter-offer
C.Revocation by the offeror
D.Death of the offeree
Acceptance of an offer has the effect of making the contract binding. The contract is formed on the basis of the clear terms of the offer, which survive as such.
2.Which of the following statements about revocation of an offer is true?
A.The postal rule applies to revocation of an offer
B.It can be revoked at any time before acceptance
C.Revocation must be communicated personally by the offeror
An offer can be revoked at any point up until an acceptance has been made. Once an offer has been revoked, it is incapable of acceptance. Revocation must, however, be effective. It must therefore be actually received by the offeree, but can be communicated by a third party.
3.Wesley offered to sell his car to Harold for £700. Harold said he would pay £600. Wesley rejected the £600. Later Harold telephoned to say “I agree with the original price and I’ll transfer the £700 to your bank account”。
For each of the following statements, identify whether it is true or false.
(1)Harold has accepted Wesley’s offer
(2)Harold has made a counter-offer
A.(1)True (2)False
B.(1)True (2)True
C.(1)False (2)True
D.(1)False (2)False
Here there is no contract. Harold's counter-offer has the effect of ending the original offer made by Wesley and so it no longer exists. As the original offer no longer exists, there is nothing for Harold to accept.
4.In contract law, if acceptance is made by means of a letter sent through the post, when is it effective?
A.When the letter is posted
B.When the letter is read
C.When the letter arrives
The postal rule is an exception to the general principle that acceptance needs to be communicated. The acceptance is effective at the point at which the letter enters the postal system, even if it never arrives, as in Adams v Lindsell (1818)。
5.For each of the following, indicate whether it is an offer or an invitation to treat.
(1)Goods displayed in a shop window
(2)Goods taken to the cash desk at a self-service shop
答案解析:(1) ITT (2) Offer
要求判断下列两项分别属于Offer还是ITT,涉及到Offer和ITT的判断问题,回忆书上的Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain v Boots Cash Chemists Southern 1952,和5.3.3知识点,可分别判断出1是ITT,2是Offer。
An offer is a promise to be bound on particular terms, which must be capable of acceptance. Goods in a window are inviting offers to be made, as are goods displayed on a shelf in a self-service shop. The offer is made by the customer when they take the goods and offer to pay.