CFA考试未通过,Score Band Report的1~10代表什么?
Failing Score Band
CFA协会除了通知你Fail之外,还会额外提供一份Score Band Report,告诉你距离通过还差多远。
Band 10,代表你差一点点。Band 1代表你差很多。
We have divided the full group of failed candidates into ten approximately equal score bands. Your score band below shows how your overall score on the exam compares with all other failed candidates.
For example, if your reported score band is 1, you scored in approximately the bottom 10% of failed candidates. If your reported score band is 2, your score was within the next band width ranging from approximately the bottom 11% to 20% of failed candidates. If your score band is reported as 10, you scored in the top 10% of all failed candidates.
“道德与行为规范”会在通过与失败徘徊的时候起到决定性的作用。比如,你刚好通过Minimum Passing Score,但由于道德太差,那么CFA协会可能调整你为Fail;但假如你刚好没有通过Minimum Passing Score,但由于道德水准高,那么CFA协会可能调整你为Pass。相反,你考的太好,或太差,道德高、低则没有任何影响。CFA协会的官方说明如下:
The Board of Governors instituted a policy to place particular emphasis on ethics. Starting with the 1996 exams, the performance on the ethics section became a factor in the pass/fail decision for candidates whose total scores bordered the minimum passing score. The ethics adjustment can have a positive or negative impact on these candidates′; final results.