[一级经济学] 老师这里哪个曲线是MC 哪个曲线是ATC?
[一级公司金融] 老师,这里的Ri是什么意思?E(Rmkt)是求股票市场利率的期望吗?
[一级经济学] 老师能帮忙解释一下第十四题吗?谢谢
[一级经济学] 老师能帮忙解释一下这道题吗?谢谢
[三级另类投资] 老师好!三级另类投资2015年真题第三问有些疑问烦请老师解答,谢谢!问题如下:
根据题目要求,只有June存在performance fee,但是根据二级的计算知识,具体结果是否应该是(3260-3100-3260*1%)*15%=19.11,而不是答案给出的24?谢谢老师!
[一级数量] 老师,第5题问的是终值啊,可永续年金求的是现值啊,这里不太理解。
[三级衍生品的风险管理] R eading16 variance swaps
As a rule of thumbthe strike of a variance swap typically corresponds to the implied volatility of the put that had 90% money ness (calculated as the option's strike divided by the current level of the underlying) what's the mean of this phase and what is te money ness?
[三级衍生品的风险管理] Reating 16 volatility futures and options
page321/322 when the short end of the VIX……are elevated. 为什么when curve slope is negative the carrying cost is high?
[一级公司金融] 老师,税盾这里还是不太理解,这里算的是资本成本,债券的利息在税前支付给了债权人,那债券成本就没有缴税啊,为什么还要把税减掉呢?
[一级经济学] 这里划线的部分为什么是downward sloping curves?