

What can you expect from your salary when you have completed the ACCA Qualification ?

We surveyed ACCA members and recorded the results. Here you will find out how many expect a pay rise, how good their benefits are, and how many of them get bonuses with our accountancy qualifications.


Many of our members have enjoyed pay rises and expect the same for the future. Here are some key salary findings from the survey:

ACCA members can expect their salary to increase strongly during their career and earn significantly more than the national average.

61% of our members surveyed got a salary increase in the last 12 months.

Members are positive about future salary increases – 60% expect a pay increase in the next year.

64% of ACCA members who gained a pay rise reported an increase of at least 4%.


Many members receive increasing bonuses and valuable benefits. Here are some key bonuses and benefits findings from the survey:

Of ACCA members receiving a bonus, 54% received a bonus.

53% expect their bonus to increase again in the following year.

50% of members surveyed received pension plans, payments for professional subscriptions and healthcare from their employer.

To read the full findings of the salary and career survey, view the PDF at the bottom of this page.

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