Himani Singla 是印度的一名ACCA学员,除了前面5门免考外,其他科目包揽了全国第一名(F9除外),这也打破了原有的记录,成为名副其实的开挂学霸。以下是她取得的成绩:

ACCA F5  1st in India, 9th in the world

ACCA F6  1st in India, 3rd in the world

ACCA F7  1st in India, 7th in the world

ACCA F8  1st in India,  8th in the world

ACCA P1  1st in India, 10th in the world

ACCA P2  1st in India, 2nd in the world

ACCA P3  1st in India, 6th in the world

ACCA P6  1st in India, 8th in the world

也许同学们会质疑,在印度第一可是在全球排名并不高啊? 问得好,但其实每次ACCA考试的全球前十名分差数值都很小,也许前面有好几个并列世界第一,后面的人差一分名次也差很多。

以下是 First Intuition 对她的采访实录 (翻译水平有限,仅供参考)


How did you prepare for your ACCA exams?


Proper planning, hard work and time management enabled me to succeed in my ACCA exams. My primary focus was to understand the concept and then practice as many questions I can to make myself comfortable with the topic.


In your opinion, what is the secret to becoming an ACCA prizewinner?


According to me, dedication and strong will to thrive to excel in the course can make anyone an ACCA prizewinner.  It worked for me due to which I managed to earn a rank in almost every paper.

三、在First Intuition学习是怎样一种体验?

What was it like studying with First Intuition?


Initially, I was scared of this whole online concept especially when appearing for professional exams but the whole experience enabled me to understand that we always don’t need a classroom. Tutors are very helpful and ready to answer our query but we too should take initiative to mail it to them on a regular basis so that they do not keep piling up.


How will your ACCA qualification help you in your career?


I am currently working with KPMG and studying ACCA which helps me to understand a lot of terminologies which were just a term to me earlier.  ACCA will surely be a gateway of global opportunities enabling me to prosper in my career in future.

Congratulations Himani, and best of luck for the future.

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