通过下列问答了解如何科学合理的准备ACCA F1考试 Q: ACCA官网只提供了 F1/F2/F3样卷各一篇,之后会不会出更多F1/F2/F3的样卷? A:No, there are no plans to publish more F1, F2 and F3 papers on our websi...
ACCA官网上只有一套F1F2F3的样题,还会公布更多的F1F2F3真题资源吗? No, there are no plans to publish more F1, F2 and F3 papers on our website. Please read the study guides prod...
这是一道非常多的同学都会产生疑惑的考题,属于我们商业会计微观经济这一章节的知识点。 首先来看一下题目: Mr Smith has a limited income which restricts the number of different goods he can buy. Which one ...
众所周知,ACCA是全英文考试,因此,学好ACCA从认识学术语开始。那么泽稷教育ACCA小编就分享一下F1管理学术语的英汉对照表,绝对实用,小伙伴们赶快收藏起来了! Strategic Management 01 strategic management:战略管理 That set of manag...